Priorities for the 87th Legislative Session
Our Mission
Rooted in our Christian faith, Circle Up is called to act upon its belief that every Texas mom deserves the opportunity to have a happy, healthy and successful pregnancy. By expanding access to healthcare, focusing on high-risk populations, and taking a stand for maternal mental health, the state of Texas can ensure that all families are able to thrive.
Our 2021 Agenda
Protect Funding of Essential Maternal Health Programs in the State Budget
By ensuring that programs essential to the health of mothers and children are adequately funded in the state budget, Texas can ensure that all families are able to thrive. Moreover, the proper funding of programs and entities studying and establishing best practices in maternal health will help to ensure improved maternal health outcomes statewide.
Expand Access to Essential Healthcare Coverage
Women’s lack of access to healthcare - before, during, and after pregnancy - contributes to the maternal mortality and morbidity numbers seen in Texas. By expanding access to healthcare, Texas can protect its women and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for all mothers. Circle Up recommends the legislature take the following actions with regard to expanding access to health care.
Improving Racial Equity in Maternal Health Outcomes
Black, American Indian, and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people giving birth are two to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than are their white counterparts. Thus, state policy solutions to improving maternal health outcomes in Texas must prioritize efforts to improve outcomes among Black and AI/AN people. Circle Up recommends that the legislature take the following actions in order to prioritize racial equity in maternal health outcomes.
Rural Access Issues
In Texas, over the past decade, 26 rural hospitals have closed, and just 66 of Texas’ remaining 158 rural hospitals provide maternity services. These factors prevent many Texas women from accessing maternity care, and over 50% of rural women must drive over 30 miles to access maternity services. Circle Up recommends the Texas legislature take the following actions in order to improve access to high quality maternity care in rural Texas.
Prioritize and Support the Needs of Maternal Mental Health
Maternal mental health challenges are among the most common complications of pregnancy. Notably, one in seven Texas women are affected by maternal mental health challenges, including postpartum depression. Circle Up supports the following measures to prioritize and address maternal mental health issues statewide.